Troop 24 Activities
Turkeyfest 2023
November 17 - 19
We arrived on Friday night, and we set up our tents. It was a chilly night with some rain. The following day, we got up and made breakfast, which was French toast. After that, we went to do a service project and did activities like raking and cleaning off the roofs of the buildings, and we also fixed some of the stairways and made the place look nice and fresh. We went for lunch after that and moved on to do a hike in the afternoon, which was short and refreshing since it was a bit chilly outside but not too cold. We relaxed after the hike and got the dining hall set up as food was prepared for dinner with a couple other troops. The food was turkey with other foods like green beans, potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, and pie for dessert with drinks as well. After the meal, we hung around the campfire and played some games. We returned to the campsite and went to sleep shortly after. The following morning, we made breakfast burritos and got things ready to leave. We packed up our tents, did rose-bud-thorns, and then left for the rest of the day Sunday.
Fall Camporee
October 8-12 2021
Historian: Philip Tranchina
We met at Dorothy- Nolan then got in the car and went to the Saratoga fairgrounds and set up our tents. When we were done setting up our tents we went over to another troop and played a version of jackpot with them while talking. Then, we were told to get our Patrol box out along with the food for tomorrow morning. When we were done with that we sat around, talked, then went to bed. In the morning we cooked breakfast which was pancakes and bacon then, cleaned up, put on our Class A’s and walked over to a building and saw a bunch of scouting history in forms of patches, clothing articles, books and booklets with other items. We got a free t-shirt from that building. After that we went to a slightly smaller building and they had over 30 GI Joes with the tanks and other vehicles. They also had some replicals and some real soldier uniforms of the U.S along with 2 muskets that they let us hold. After that we went to archery and shot from around 15 feet away, then we went to an inflatable obstacle course and other activities like throwing a trash bag with a rake. Then we went to an animal show where the guy showed us a turkey vulture, Eurasian owl, a snake, a lizard, and 2 other birds of prey. After the show we played a round of Gaga ball then went to cook lunch. We traded for a can of tomato soup and ate that with our panines along with oreos. After lunch we went to the obstacle course again and ran though that. Afterwards we went into a military ambulance and went in the back of another vehicle and were pretending to throw a scout out of the back. We then went rock climbing and then talked on a ham radio to people around the country and learned morse code. Finally we got to shoot BB guns then went back to camp and cooked dinner while talking. After we cleaned up we went to a quick service, got back, then cleaned a little more. We then went to a flag burning ceremony and burned flags respectfully. We went to a dance party and the SPL for the boys led a conga line and the SPL for the girls led dozens of people in the macarena. When we finished up we sat around, talked, and looked at pictures and threw a disk back and forth. We then moved around a fire, spoke a little then went to bed. In the morning we packed up while 2 people cooked. We were still eating when people were all packed up and leaving someone's reason was that the other troops were eating cereal. We cleaned up and packed,then we did roses and thorns then, by some miracle we weren't the last people out. Also someone burnt soup.
Lime Rock Park
October 1-2 2021
Historian: Philip Tranchina
We met at Dorothy Nolan and then left for lime rock park. When we got there we set up our tents in rows and talked for a bit before we went to bed. We woke up, talked for ten minutes, then set up the chernobyl and boiled water for breakfast. Breakfast was mostly a success and once we were done we cleaned up and set up our chairs to watch the cars go by as we talked. After that we went to explore Lime Rock park, we walked for a few minutes and sat on a hill that showed part of the track as we watched the cars whizz by. After around 45 minutes we got back up and walked a little more to where the cars entered the track and sat there for around 5ish minutes then headed back to camp. At camp we made lunch with a sandwich that tasted great. A few minutes after some of os inish we heard tire screeching and a crash with a plumb of smoke that quickly dissipated. We walked over there and saw that a 2021 Porsche flipped and landed rightside up with the driver being mostly unharmed by the looks of it. We took our chairs and watched the race from where the car flipped for a bit more than 10 minutes then, put our stuff back and packed up. After that we went to where they had all the cars and took some pictures and talked to one of the drivers and got permission to sit in the car. Then they told us that they were doing another race so we went back to the hill and watched the race for around 30ish minutes. We then came back to camp, said roses and thorns, then left.
Moose Mt Pond
Historian: Ethan Lyons
This weekend, our troop hiked from the trailhead to Moose Mtn. Pond. We stopped for breakfast at a village close to the mountain. It was about 2.7 miles long from the trailhead to the pond. We saw lots of wonderful things including a waterfall and the wonderful colors of the trees on the way up. When we arrived at the lean-to, we ate lunch and set up camp. One of our scouts even started to build a teepee. We discovered a cliff was near our campsite and you could see an amazing view from there! After we ate dinner, we set up the bearbag. A few boys stayed up to play cards while the others went to bed. The next day we ate breakfast, packed up, and were on our way. We all had an amazing experience.
Fall Camporee
Historian: Logan Bruno
On the first day, we set up our tents and ate a cracker barrel. On the second day, we walked around the fair grounds and did the scavenger hunt. Eventually, we gave up and started looking at other things. We built and raced lego cars, played games and even got to see a train. On the last day, we packed and left